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Showing posts from January, 2020

Prochoice is a defensive stance. Here's why that's a problem.

Prolife is an offensive stance. Whenever the issue of abortion is brought up, it is usually done so from a fetus centric view. ''Abortion is immoral because it is the taking a of a human life.'' And then the narrative of the morality of abortion bans comes in. We do not often hear the topic arise from a stance of a woman's human rights being violated. It never starts from there. This is a problem. Because once the topic has been presented, fence sitters who are not clear on their stance, have already been influenced towards the prolife narrative. It immediately evokes a revulsion at the thought of innocent life being taken. We need to bring this up from an offensive stance. ''Abortion bans are immoral because a humans' right to their own body is being exploited and violated.'' Or hell, ''Lets talk about human rights violations. There are people who are trying to exploit and use womens bodies, who want to violate their