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Showing posts from May, 2021

Understanding "My Body, My Choice"

It seems like there is a lot of misunderstanding about what this means. So I am going to try to present a prochoice defense of it, because even some prochoicers have an issue with the slogan. "But it's not your body and it's not your choice" If it's not my body, then there is no issue with removing it. "You put it there" If the claim is that it's okay for it to be there because I put it there, then by that same logic, it's okay for me to remove it, because where ever it goes after it's removed, is where I put it. "You consented to it being there" Using contraceptives/birth control is you explicitly saying you do not consent to it being there. I use my front door all the time. Using the door does not imply consent for other people to enter. I am allowed to use my sexual organs with a consenting partner. And I am allowed to do that even if a fetus takes up residence within me and I plan to remove it. I don't need a non-existing fe

Conflating pregnancy care with infant care

 This argument conflates pregnancy as ordinary care that one provides to their ZEF much in the same manner that giving a bottle or changing a diaper is care one provides to their infant. The problem with this argument is that it conflates a symbiotic (specifically a parasitic-symbiotic) relationship with that of interdependency .  I am going to define the differences between these three things: Symbiotic (parasitic-symbiotic) relationships Interdependency relationships Parts of a body and their relationship to that of a whole body Humans are an interdependent species. We rely upon one another to have our needs met.  This does not involve a symbiotic-parasitic relationship nor are they the same. Parasitism is defined here as:   parasitism - one species lives on, in or with a host species It goes on further to say " In parasitism, one organism benefits from the relationship at the expense of the other. The parasitic organism may live inside another organism's body (endoparasit