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Showing posts from June, 2023

Fetal Awareness

  Fetal Pain This topic is being included in our wiki because it is one of the bigger considerations for those on the fence about where they stand on the issue. The ability for a fetus to feel pain is inconclusive at this point in time. One thing, however, is clear - a pregnant person will also feel pain at the time of onset of labor and delivery. Drugs can only be used so much, and they can wear off prior to or during delivery. She will also experience pain after birth, while she heals and especially if she has a c-section. She will be unable to take narcotic pain meds if she plans on breastfeeding as it can be passed through breastmilk. And breastfeeding itself, can be painful, especially in the beginning. And that is nothing to say of the pains felt throughout pregnancy, including the emotional impact it has on a person who is unable to access abortion and is compelled to continue an unwanted pregnancy. Likewise, the pain of having to give up the child, who by the time of delivery i

Abortion Resources

If you are considering abortion, It is important to know that you are not alone. More than one million abortions are performed every year in the U.S., and people who have abortions come from every state, age group, political party, religion, race, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Finding an Abortion Provider & Abortion Pills I Need an A : Locates clinics near you or telemedicine options, and provides information on funding as well as information relevant to minors. Abortion Finder : features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers and assistance resources in the United States. Abortion Care Network : network of independent abortion providers National Abortion Federation : the NAF website offers maps that allow you to highlight clinics in your area while the NAF Hotline referral line 1-877-257-0012 provides referrals to member clinics in the U.S. and Canada (no funding assistance on this line). Planned Parentho

Legal understanding on the use of Lethal Force and how it relates to abortion

( sourced  from the prochoice subreddit in June of 2023)  Legal writing (especially a statute) is NOT like having a conversation. Words are not interchangeable! There are thousands of appellate level cases interpreting language. We have rules for how you do that. It’s not arbitrary. Judges have to follow the rules, which are called “canons of construction.” [Students new to law school have to learn when writing] that they can’t change words to give their writing variety like they might do in English class, because they will change their legal conclusions. In other words, the selection of words and punctuation is very crucial to law and are specifically chosen so that they cannot be substituted out for another word which might change the intended meaning. Key components: Imminence criteria provides for inevitability, with temporal variances that may or may not be immediate, but is impending nonetheless. While immediate simply refers directly to the next step in a sequence of events. Pro

Pro-choice Arguments for Debate

( sourced from the prochoice subreddit in June of 2023)  #Common Prolife Arguments ___________________________________________________________________________________ ##Pregnancy is Natural **PL Argument:**  > Pregnancy & birth is natural and therefore, it is immoral to interfere or interrupt that process.  Women are adapted to have children. **PC Reply:**  So is getting eaten by a hungry cougar, but most would intervene should they see such about to occur. [Contribution by o0Jahzara0o] **PC Reply:**  Something being natural does not make it good or ethical. Cyanide is natural, does that mean it's good to die from being poisoned by it? The human body is, to put it bluntly, piss-poor at reproduction. Our heads are too big for how narrow our pelvises are so we're born before we're done developing (hence why newborns are so helpless compared to other animals). Tying into this argument is "Abortion is not natural", to which I say: Miscarriage. Miscarriage is ot